Carmen Marí Cardona

Born in Ibiza in 1965. Degree in Law from the Balearic Islands University in 1989.

Member of the Illustrious Bar Association of the Balearic Islands (n º 2.492).

      • Until the end of the year 2005 I have been assigned to the Shifts of Civil and Penal Trade and assistance to the arrested developed by the Illustrious Bar Association of the Balearic Islands.
      • Vocal substitute, to the Commission of Juridical Free Assistance of Ibiza and Formentera.
      • Taking part in different Commissions created in relation to the different Shifts of Trade in Ibiza headquarters of the Illustrious Bar Association of the Balearic Islands.
      • Legal advisor at the headquarters in Ibiza of the College of Graduates in Infirmary of the Balearics.
      • Umpire in Ibiza of the association of consumers and users " NUREDDUNA CONSUME ", with headquarters in Palma.
      • Since 1992 managing all accidents as official lawyer of INSURANCE GROUP CATALANA OCCIDENTE S.A. at their branch office in Ibiza, to judicial level (civil and penal trials) as well as extrajudicial settlements (transactions or negotiations between the implied parts).
      • During the academic course 92/93 teaching a seminar of Political Economy at the Law School of the U.N.E.D., in their headquarters in Ibiza.
      • In March 1994 and May 1995 I attending two seminars of European Community Law and Community Procedural law in Palma, at the headquarters of the Illustrious Bar Association of the Balearic Islands.
      • Assistance in October 1994, as umpire of the association Nuredduna Consumo, to the Congress II of Arbitration of Consumption, in Palma.
      • Assistance to the Seminar on the Civil Prosecution New Law, offered by the School of Juridical Practice of the Illustrious Bar Association of the Balearic Islands, in May 2000.
      • Assistance to the Course of Specialization as for Minors organized by the above mentioned School of Juridical Practice in October and November 2000.
      • Assistance to the Course of Training in Arbitration of Consumption that took place in Madrid for the Ministry of Health and Consumption in October 2003.
      • Assistance to the First Congress of Civil Liability delivered by the Illustrious Bar Association of the Balearic Islands, in September 2005.
      • Assistance to the Second Congress of Civil Responsibility delivered by the Illustrious Bar Association of the Balearic Islands in September 2006.
      • From May to October 2006, 2007 and 2008, recovering the legal assistance as a Lawyer at the Office of Help to Victims of the Crime in Formentera.
      • Assistance to the Course on the Parental Syndrome of Alienation organized by the Psychologists' College of the Balearics, in June 2008.


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MARI ABOGADOS is an attorneys' firm founded in 1995.

Furthermore we collaborate with a professional network that allows us to provide an effective service, in all Balearic islands as well as in the whole Spanish and European territory.

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